What is the Amazon Exclusives Program and How Can You Join

What is the Amazon Exclusives Program and How Can You Join

Amazon Exclusives is a program released in 2015, focused on unique products. Third party sellers can partner directly with Amazon through the program to launch their innovative items through the program for better visibility. Amazon promises better brand discoverability, additional marketing opportunities, along with merchandising support, brand support and self-serve brand tools to launch like […]

Amazon Storefronts | How to Use Them

Amazon Storefronts on Seller Central

Currently, there are more than 1.9 million businesses in the U.S., using Amazon services to make their brand reachable to shoppers all over the world—and they couldn’t have chosen a better place: Amazon Storefronts on Seller Central. Storefronts is a feature designed to make the interaction between customers and small & medium-sized businesses a lot […]