How to Follow Amazon Trends


New year, new you! But does the classic saying apply to Amazon? The retail giant’s presence is just as strong as in previous years. Amazon still boasts 310 million active users worldwide, and they’re still set to dominate the online retail space. But that doesn’t mean eCommerce brands on Amazon should continue using the same […]

Home and Kitchen: A Profitable Category on Amazon

131D Home andKitchen A Profitable Category on Amazon

The Home and Kitchen market is expected to reach $500 million in value in 2023. But why has there been such a big demand for this industry in recent times?  Due to inflation and the rising cost of living, more people are staying inside instead of going out. 44% of Americans meal prep instead of […]

Create a Successful Amazon Marketing Strategy in 3 Steps

Amazon Marketing Strategy

You can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results. This motto applies to all things in life, but in particular to business. We prepared a list with 3 of the best programs and tools that will help you create a successful Amazon marketing strategy for 2022. Marketing trends are constantly changing and, as […]