Inside Refund at First Scan by Amazon

refund at first scan

Some merchant-fulfilled sellers have difficulty handling item returns. This is one of the reasons why Amazon released Prepaid Return Label in 2020. Now, Amazon decided to boost the promotion of this program with the new Refund at First Scan (RFS) feature. The retail giant continues to introduce more automated processes for brands, and Amazon’s Return […]

How to Prepare for Amazon Prime Day 2021

Amazon Prime Day 2021

Millions of shoppers are preparing for Amazon Prime Day 2021, the biggest sales day of the year. Sellers also get higher rankings because primer members shop more than non-subscribers. And of course, both brands and members can reap the benefits of Prime Day. Since its launch in July 2015, Prime Day has only grown bigger. […]

New SFP Requirements (Seller Fulfilled Prime)

19F New Seller Fulfilled Prime SFP Requirements

There are new SFP requirements! These are mandatory as of February 1st, 2021, and they aim to provide shoppers in the U.S. with better delivery speeds. These changes apply to all sellers, no matter what fulfillment channels they use. In this article, we’ll cover Amazon’s latest SFP requirements so you can take the necessary precautions […]