Helium 10 Review, Pricing, and Recommendations

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Amazon is an ever changing platform, and most sellers – especially at the beginning of their selling journey – find the website’s usability a bit hard to keep up. This is one of the reasons why they turn to all-in-one software like Helium 10 to help them manage their business. 

With more than 2.5 million sellers currently selling on Amazon, finding high-ranking keywords, identifying trends, spying on competitors, and optimizing product listings becomes a burden for Amazon sellers, especially if they’re still trying to figure out their brand identity or other aspects related to their business operations.

In this article we’ll provide you with all the information you need so you can decide if Helium 10 is the product you need to help you manage some of the most important facets of your business.

Amazon is an ever changing platform, and most sellers – especially at the beginning of their selling journey – find the website’s usability a bit hard to keep up. This is one of the reasons why they turn to all-in-one software like Helium 10 to help them manage their business. 

With more than 2.5 million sellers currently selling on Amazon, finding high-ranking keywords, identifying trends, spying on competitors, and optimizing product listings becomes a burden for Amazon sellers, especially if they’re still trying to figure out their brand identity or other aspects related to their business operations.

In this article we’ll provide you with all the information you need so you can decide if Helium 10 is the product you need to help you manage some of the most important facets of your business.

What Is Helium 10?

Helium 10 is a set of 13 tools that Amazon created to help sellers get rid of the guesswork and labor-intensive factors. Amazon sellers can access almost every piece of accurate data, information and insights from Helium 10 user dashboard.

Some of the things sellers can do with Helium 10 include:

  • Finding profitable product ideas
  • Identifying niche markets and scale faster against the competition
  • Optimize your listings to rank on Amazon’s page 1
  • Handle refunds

What features does Helium 10 include?

Helium 10 is a very comprehensive package, so it does take a little time to understand how to use all the features to its full potential. Still, the dashboard makes it easy to switch between tools and use them together. First we’ll start with the basics and focus first on the most helpful ones and touch upon the others.

Helium 10 Cerebro

Cerebro was created to give you all insights about a product’s viability on Amazon. It works as a reverse ASIN lookup and it can be used at different stages in the selling process. You just need to paste a product URL on Cerebro, and it will throw a list of thousands of keyword suggestions

With Cerebro, you can also find what your competitors are ranking for and use this information to find new product ideas. 


Magnet helps Amazon sellers uncover organic easy traffic opportunities (usually unknown by your competitors) thanks to its large database of actionable keywords. 

This feature is used along with Cerebro by sellers to create a keyword master list. You just need to enter the keyword you want and then make educated adjustments to your listings and campaigns to be able to drive more sales. 


Blackbox is a research tool. You can use smart advanced filters and strategic data to analyze the average sales volume price, weight and competition of any product sold on Amazon. This tool saves you a good amount of hours looking that up. 

As a seller, you can use Blackbox to filter products by review metrics, price and revenue and use the results to your advantage to get niche product ideas with very specific criteria.


Scribbles is an Amazon listing optimizer. It helps sellers track which keywords they have used and where, removing words as you use them. It shows you the keyword or phrases that have the highest search volume. To stand out from the competition, you want to index in your listings with the most relevant keywords. 


After using the tools mentioned before, you’ll end up with a list of thousands of relevant keywords. Frankenstein will polish that list for you by using different filters that can be adjusted depending on the result you want to get. Just insert the bulk keyword list and apply the filters. 

Keyword Rank Tracker 

Just as its name suggests, Keyword Rank Tracker tracks your keywords so sellers can monitor their progress and see where they are currently and historically.

Refund Genie 

Refunds become harder to track as your business starts to scale. Refund Genie notifies you whenever there’s a possibility of a refund, saving you some money.

Inventory Protector

This feature was created to deal with product gauging. Inventory Protector helps sellers set a product limit to keep their inventory safe.

Hijacker Alert 

Hijacker Alert notifies sellers of possible scammers trying to hijack your listing to sell knockoffs. That way you can contact Amazon and avoid the problem. 

Xray – Helium 10’s Chrome Extension 

Xray is a suite of 5 time-saving tools that help you reveal crucial market data so you can make informed decisions:

  • It also grants access to useful market data to find profitable product opportunities.
  • ASIN Grabber: Create target ads by copying ASINs in bulk.
  • Profitability Calculator: Use weight, dimension, freight cost and FBA fees to calculate your profit margin.
  • Inventory Levels: Check inventory levels for any product on Amazon.
  • Review Downloader: See what customers are saying to optimize your listings and make better decisions. 

Helium 10 Pricing

Helium 10 offers a free plan and three premium plans:

  • Free: You can use most of Helium 10 features, but with a limited usage. For example, you have access to using Magnet twice per day and you can track up to 20 keywords. 
  • A La Carte: Starts at just $17/month and it increases as you add the tools that you think will be more helpful for you.
  • Platinum: Designed for users with minimal selling needs. Most sellers with an FBA program start with this plan. Sellers get 5,000 emails a month and alerts on 300 ASINs and unlimited use of Blackbox, Magnet, and Trendster. It goes for $97/month.
  • Diamond: If you want to steadily scale your business, then this is the plan for you. Diamond allows sellers to track up to 5,000 keywords, check up to 300 indexes, alert up to 600 ASINS, and automate 15,000 emails every month, plus unlimited access to all other features for only $197/month.

Pros and Cons of Helium10

As any other product in the market, Helium 10 has its pros and cons. Here’s what you should know before you start using it:


  • It has a comprehensive set of Amazon tools to help sellers rank better.
  • Most tools are the best out there for Amazon sellers, in spite of competition.
  • Affordable and added value to make it work. The sales will pay for Helium 10.
  • Seamless user dashboard to switch back and forth between tools and combine them for better results.
  • Powerful data analytic functions
  • Move data around and launch a campaign in the easiest way possible. 


  • Not all the tools are up to the same quality. Some have competitors out there that work better for specific functions. For example, KeyworX is better than Keyword Tracker. Then again, it’s almost impossible to have the best, considering all the features Helium 10 provides.

Helium 10 FAQS

Can I test the tools before getting a Helium 10 Plan?

Yes! You can get a 30-day trial when you create your account. You can use most of the tools during this trial.

Does Helium 10 connect to my Amazon account?

Yes. The point is to keep everything organized through your dashboard.

Is Helium 10 data accurate?

Yes, because it uses proprietary algorithms and takes data straight from Amazon.

Can I get a Helium Annual subscription?

Yes. You can decide to pay monthly at the prices mentioned above or get an annual subscription at a discount rate. You can stop using it whenever you want.

Helium 10 Final Thoughts

Whether you are a starting-level seller or a business on its way to Amazon’s page 1, you’ll need listings optimized to their full potential and the most relevant keywords to drive sales and avoid competition.

You can be sure most Amazon sellers rely on Helium 10 features to be able to rank high and stay there.

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