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Optimizing Facebook Business Manager for your Amazon Listings

Facebook ads is one of the channels that hold great promise for increasing conversions. Facebook is the biggest and fastest growing social media platform in the world. No other social media network can compare to its features, and most of all, its audience. Facebook has 1.86 billion monthly active users as of the fourth quarter of 2016. This is billions of potential customers for anyone with something to sell on Amazon. Facebook advertising is in constant revision, and it has grown to provide a wide array of features for advertisers. Sellers know that there will never be enough marketing channels, and Facebook ads is not one to miss.

Facebook Ads Capabilities

Facebook ads allow advertisers to target specific audiences and market products and services to them easily and effectively. Many sellers from Amazon FBA to eCommerce retailers to big brands have been using Facebook ads to drive record sales and grow their businesses. Facebook has proven time and again to produce a very high ROI for many sellers. Sellers have been able to so successfully market with Facebook ads that they have recovered their ad spend by as much as 700%. Well-optimized campaigns have brought in so many new customers that Facebook has come to account for as much as 70% of sales for some businesses.

Facebook Ad Targeting

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Facebook has exceptionally accurate targeting capabilities. The company has developed this mechanism over the years through data collection, analysis and improvements on their algorithms. By efficiently targeting billions of global users, Facebook presents a very attractive ad package. Through Facebook ads, sellers can identify and target specific audience segments for different products or for the same products at different times.

Ease of Use

The Facebook ad platform has been designed to be very easy to use. Even sellers with not a lot of experience on the platform or with ads themselves can navigate their ad accounts with relative ease. There are also many help resources available to provide support for getting started with audience searches and ad campaigns.

Organic Amazon Boost

Facebook is extremely effective at increasing sales. Amazon sellers can therefore experience organic ranking boosts for listings that receive traffic from Facebook ads. Organic rankings on Amazon are strictly monitored, so a true organic boost for any product is priceless. Sellers who run their ads long enough to reflect a good conversion rate will gain a valuable edge over the competition.

Getting Started

To begin using Facebook ads to boost your business sales, you will need to set up a business page and an ad account. Below we outline the simple steps that you will need to go through to prepare for your first Facebook ad campaign.

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Your Facebook Business Page

  1. Go to your Facebook Business account and click on the dropdown at the top right corner. Click on Create a Page.
  2. From the available options, select the page category that best suits your business. Brand or Product is often the best choice for Amazon sellers.
  3. Next, select your industry-specific category, and enter your basic business information in the spaces provided.
  4. Review your selection and entries and Agree to Facebook Pages terms and conditions when you are satisfied.
  5. Click Get Started to launch your new business page.
  6. Optimize your page by adding a concise and interesting description of your brand, a link to your Amazon page or your eCommerce website, and your logo as your profile picture.
  7. Selest the option to reach more people to get more visitors to look at your page.

Your Facebook Ad Account

  1. Open the Facebook Ads Manager and navigate to the Settings on the left side of the page.
  2. Enter an account name, your business time zone, and your industry.
  3. Select the option for using Facebook ads for business.
  4. Carefully enter the additional required business information, review and finish.
  5. Upload your product catalog to your account, including product names, images, pricing and other product details.

Install Conversion Tracking Pixel

The pixel is a code snippet that enables you to track visits, conversions and ROI from your Facebook ad account. The pixel also enables Facebook to use the tracking data to optimize your campaigns and build lookalike audiences to help you target better.

Once you have uploaded your catalog to your Business account, make sure that you add a custom audience pixel and set it to give you reports on your customers’ buying behavior. This will help you identify site visitors for retargeting. Facebook needs time to gather data, so consider running your first ad campaign at least one month after your pixel is set up.

Lookalike Audiences

Facebook can use the data it has collected to help you find new customers as well. Based on the demographics, characteristics and interests of past customers, Facebook can suggest Lookalike Audiences that you can advertise to. These audiences will have similar characteristics and will likely have interest in your products. Lookalike Audiences are a very high performing target group.

To create a Lookalike Audience, you first need a Custom Audience. You can build one from your Facebook Fans or data from your pixel.

Facebook Ad Types

Facebook ads in general do wonders to increase traffic and conversions. There are, however, certain ad types that have proven more effective. Below we introduce the features of these Facebook ads to give you an overview of what you can expect.

Dynamic Product Ads

Dynamic product ads are possibly the highest ROI strategy. They are useful for regaining the interest of customers who are on the fence. These tailored Facebook ads can target specific customers on their previous activity on your site. Amazon itself along with other eCommerce sites use Facebook retargeting to offer site visitors discounts and other enticements for recently viewed products.

Dynamic Product Ads feature prepared templates that pull the product names, images, pricing and other information straight from your product catalog. Whatever product details you have uploaded to Facebook Business Manager will be automatically reflected on the ad. This is especially useful for sellers with a large number of products to manage.

All you need to launch a Dynamic Facebook ad is an ad title, your product names from the catalog, and keywords to find the right images. Then choose if you want to advertise products from your entire catalog or only specific categories. You can also display single or multi-product ads to your site visitors, regardless of what stage they reached.

Multi-Product Ads

Facebook Multi-Product Ad
Image Source:

Multi-product ads show multiple products to your audience in a single ad. This provides options for customers that you feel have not clicked buy or processed their carts because they are still looking around. With more choices, they are more likely to find what they want and complete their purchase. Multi-product ads can also be used to present the different features of one product to increase interest and in click-through-rate by as much as 300%. Cost per click also decreases over time as more people engage with the ads.

When using Multi-product ads separately from Dynamic Facebook campaigns, navigate to the Power Editor to begin setting up a stand-alone ad.

Run General Retargeting Campaigns

Abandoned carts is a huge eCommerce problem. As many as 70% of your customers may fail to complete their purchases. In addition, only 8% of them are likely to some back later. When you properly retarget these shoppers, you can encourage as many as 26% of them to come back to complete their orders. Retargeted ads in general have a click-through-rate that is ten times higher than regular ads.

To start running retargeting campaigns, navigate to the Power Editor to set up audiences and design your offers, upload coupons, or create single and multi-product ads.

Bonus Features

You can also use a series of Facebook ads to tell your brand story and to connect and build relationship with prospective and current customers. Short videos with a valuable message also communicate well with people browsing through the application. With Custom Audiences, you can also create unique lists of people from emails or phone numbers. This way, you can reach out to your customers and encourage them to become your Facebook fans. Great customers who share your posts can receive special offers and perks.

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