Leverage the New Amazon Sponsored Brands Video Feature

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Between chunks of texts, images and videos, the latter probably will grab a buyer’s attention faster. If you’re a brand-registered seller on Amazon, you can now take advantage of the Sponsored Brands Video feature.

Amazon sponsored brand video ads can help you target customers and boost sales.

In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know so you can decide whether this new feature is worth it for your business.

What are Amazon Sponsored Brands Video Ads?

If you’re familiar with Amazon Brand Ads, you know you can include text, images, and video in your ads.

However, you should know that brand-registered sellers are the only ones with access to this feature.  

Video in Sponsored Brands is self-service in the Sponsored Brands campaign builder, while Amazon Video in Search must be done through an Amazon sales representative.

Sponsored Brand Videos work in a similar way to traditional advertising.

Usually, you will see them mixed with other ads among search engine results.

Videos have the same advertising structure as a regular ad:

  • Product name
  • Product details
  • Price
  • Prime shipping label

The main difference being that on videos, these ads include play, pause, and mute options. 

A – Product details

B – Video

C – Mute toggle button

Amazon Sponsored Brands Video ads also have lower ACoS and cost per click (CPC) than sponsored product ads. So, it’s definitely something to consider for your campaigns.

Related content: The 2021 Amazon Sponsored Display Ads Quick Guide


This feature is available in the following countries:

  • North America: Canada, Mexico, and United States
  • Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, The Netherlands, and The United Kingdom
  • Middle East: Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates
  • Asia Pacific: Australia, India, Japan, Singapore

Why Should I Use Amazon Sponsored Brands Video?

Videos tend to draw attention quicker, plus they play automatically, which makes them more eye-catching.  

Besides, the Sponsored Brands program will provide the following benefits:

  • Stand out – You have the opportunity to create compelling experiences for mobile and desktop users, and it’s also a great way to differentiate your brand from the competition with the story you decide to tell.
  • Reach potential customers– Use effective keyword targeting to reach buyers looking for a product similar to yours.
  • Have an integrated campaign – Using Sponsored Ads creative builder, you can set up your videos easily. Upload your video just like you do with other creative assets.


Steps to Set Up Amazon Sponsored Brands Video Ads

Just like any other PPC ad running on Amazon, Sponsored Brands Video ads involve bidding on specific keywords.

Picking the right keywords will place your product among the top Amazon search results, so you get more impressions from potential customers.

Aside from that, here are the steps to follow when creating sponsored video ads on Amazon:

1. Setting a Budget

Remember that you’re bidding, so your budget competes with other companies’ allocation.

The highest bidder ends up with the most exposure, and therefore, the most sales. 

Your market niche is a fundamental factor when deciding the amount you’re willing to spend. This also depends on how you set your prices on Amazon. 

In general, your advertising budget costs about six percent of your expected sales. So, it’s a good idea to not go too far beyond that, depending on your desired profit margin and competitive pricing.

2. Your Ad Content

It is crucial that your titles and descriptions are engaging. Here are a couple tips to help you with that:

  • Have a clear, descriptive, and eye-catching title.
  • Comply with Amazon’s image requirements.
  • Think about what your audience needs from this product.

Your video-quality should be on point, as well. You could consider hiring a videographer to make sure you showcase exactly what you want in the best way possible. 

3. Using Keywords Effectively

The keywords you target will have an impact on the product category and threshold for advertising costs. When choosing your keywords, make sure they have enough search volume but that it’s not as competitive. You don’t want your budget to get out of hand.

The best way to keep a high PPC rank is by outbidding your competitors.

You should consider different keywords for PPC and for SEO, even if some of them overlap.

4. Submitting Your Ad

If you’re happy with the video you created, now it’s time to go through the submission process. Your video can take up to 72 hours for your ad to be approved.

Remember to have the following specifications to make sure your ad isn’t rejected:


  • 16:9 aspect ratio
  • 1280 x 720px, 1920 x 1080px or 3840 x 2160px
  • 23.976, 24, 25, 29.97, 29.98, or 30 fps
  • 1 Mbps or higher bit rate
  • H.264 or H.265 codec
  • 500 MB or smaller
  • MP4 or MOV file
  • 1 video stream only


  • 44.1 kHz or higher
  • PCM, AAC or MP3 codec
  • 96 kbps or higher
  • 1 audio stream

Source: Jungle Scout

How to make sure your Sponsored Brand Video is accepted?

Here are more technical tips to consider:

  • Video content, like on-screen text or captions, must not get in the way of user interface.  You can download the safe area template  to guarantee your video isn’t rejected for this reason.
  • The minimum size of on-screen text must be 30 pts. But, you’ll often find a bigger font size is more legible.
  • Avoid having black bars on any side of the video content.
  • Your video should be in the local language of the audience you’re trying to reach and the location in which it is displayed. Make your brand easy to identify, but remember the product is the main star.

Best Practices for Amazon Sponsored Video Ads

Think about your audience

Make content that is product-focused, educational and demonstrative. Ensure your customers have no questions about how your product can fix a problem they have.

Focus on the product

When making videos, it’s easy to get carried away. Research has shown that showing your product within the first second is far more effective than having a long intro or an empty frame. Take advantage of the opportunity of engaging buyers immediately showing what your product is and can do.

For example, if your first frame is a couple of kids playing, then it is likely that once the video is over, your viewers won’t remember your brand or product.

Keep it simple

The recommendation for optimal length is 15–30 seconds. That should be enough to convey your message. Your content should be limited to only a few selling points. Making long videos won’t keep your customer’s attention. Go straight for the punch line.

Consider your format

When a sponsored brand video auto-plays it doesn’t have sound and has no option to visualize it in a full screen. Is your video entertaining even without the sound on? Also, don’t forget about adding on-screen text for captions that buyers might not hear.

Remember the loop

Sponsored Video Ads loop automatically. You can either make the loop seamless or add an end card to allow for some space before the repetition.

Create a story

Don’t just make a list of features. Build your video around a story to make it more memorable in your buyer’s mind. And yes, benefits are important, but it’s more important to see what your product does.

Choose your CTAs wisely

This little push might make all the difference between an impression and a conversion. Use it!

Text size

Anything that is not easy to read will probably remain unread by the buyers. Make any relevant information as visible as possible. Customers shouldn’t be making an effort to find it. Using your logo near any text is a good way to make your brand more present for potential buyers.

Use the right music

Yes, videos play on mute, but there’s a percentage of customers that will want to listen to the audio. Focus on the feeling you want your audience to experience when they listen to the music you’ve picked.

Source: DataHawk

Reasons why your Video Ad is Rejected

  • There are black or empty frames at the beginning or ending of your video ad.
  • Your edit is too abrupt for the maximum video duration. Customers may think your video is incomplete.
  • Your video has Amazon trademarks, products or references to Amazon products or services. This is forbidden by Amazon.
  • Your videos include customer reviews or star ratings.
  • Text might make the interface confusing to use or is below 30pts, and therefore not legible. (For example, the play or pause buttons are not easy to see.)
  • The content within the video must not obstruct the user interface (check the safe area template).
  • The language of your video doesn’t match the target region. 

Learn more about sponsored ads creative acceptance policies.


Closing Thoughts

Sponsored Brand Video Ads are guaranteed to give you a meaningful advantage over competitors that are not part of the Sponsored Brands Program; and, therefore, don’t have access to the Sponsored Brands Video Feature.  

When it comes to advertising, especially if your product is for a specific niche, you want to use all the tools available to match your product with customers who actually need it. Also, this feature will also give you access to UI reporting.

Finding ways to stay ahead, focusing on your advertising targets can definitely boost your sales rank.

Start with a product, follow this tips and start grabbing shopper’s attention just by following the steps on this article.

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