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Amazon Storefronts New Features

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Amazon Storefronts can boost your visibility and help you reach a greater audience.

It is well known that one of the most important aspects that lead to a successful sale on Amazon is the effort you invest in highlighting the originality of your brand.

In this article, we will give you a brief summary on Amazon Storefronts and we will enlist the new features that this tool has for you.

Get ready to increase your sales!

(If you want to learn how to use Amazon Stores, and other and interesting details, we suggest you to read this article.)


What Is Amazon Stores?


Through Amazon Storefronts, sellers can showcase their brand in a very similar format to an interactive web page.

Sellers can also include their portfolio, videos, high-definition images, and a semblance of the history of their brand and what drives them to sell on Amazon.

This page, certainly highlights the personality of a brand. Also, shoppers get to have a closer look at the benefits certain product offers.

In this way, the shopper can feel confident that they are about to purchase a well-thought-out product and with a reliable reputation.

Benefits of using Stores:

  • It can be used as the landing page for your Sponsored Brands campaigns.
  • You can direct traffic to your Store or a sub-page within your Store through Display ad campaigns.


Countries Where Amazon Storefronts Is Available


  • North America – Canada, Mexico, and The United States
  • South America – Brazil
  • Europe – Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom
  • Middle East – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
  • Asia Pacific – Australia, India, Japan, Singapore


Amazon Stores’ New Features


Amazon has included the following updates to facilitate customer interaction with your product detail page.


1. Shoppable collection images


This new feature, allows you to engage your customers with high quality and appealing images of your products. These can be arranged in different collections with complementary products from your portfolio.

One of the great things about Shoppable Images is that customers can purchase any of the products shown in the collection by clicking on the image. Also, when they hover over it, the shopper gets to view basic information about said product, such as:

  • Name
  • Price,
  • Customer ratings, and
  • Prime availability


By doing it so, they product goes directly to shopper’s cart and it redirects him to the business’ product detail page.



2. Images with text


With Images with text, you can describe the value of your product within the same image. Since Amazon states that this new feature will help you improve your Store’s SEO, increase your page visibility, and drive traffic from other channels, we suggest to include the best keywords to obtain better results.


3. Bulk and out-of-stock product management


Uploading products individually is a thing of the past.

Now, you’ll be able to upload images in bulk to your product grids and featured-deals tiles.

Also, you can choose to hide any ASINS that are out of stock or not available in different countries automatically, to avoid customers feeling disappointed. Therefore, your Store will always be updated and it will be a lot easier to your latest items in display.


4. Stores scheduling


Now you can manage your Store by scheduling dates and times in which you will feature a new product. This will allow you to synchronize your Store’s publishing schedule with:

  • seasonal changes,
  • new releases, and
  • brand updates

As you can see, this update is a time-saver that will allow you to optimize your time more efficiently while keeping your loyal customers engaged.


5. New links to Stores


Amazon is now helping shoppers find Stores that might be relevant to what they’re looking for.

Plus, they’re now adding your brand logo at the bottom of the page so shoppers can click be redirected to your Store.

Therefore, don’t forget to upload and keep your brand logo updated in the Store builder so customers can identify your Store faster.


6. Videos


In addition to the great updates we already mentioned, you can now include videos in your Store of up to 20 seconds that will play automatically. These videos can be featured in different size formats, and they will allow you to include additional details of your products and will give an even more interactive touch to your page.


How to Keep Track of Your Performance Insights


Since 2018, Amazon sellers who own a Store can keep track of their performance through a dashboard within the Insights tab of the Stores interface.
This allows them to analyze the following data:

  • daily visits,
  • page views,
  • page views per visitor,
  • sales, and
  • sales units

With this information, you’ll be able to understand how your page is behaving and how well your customers are interacting with it. This of course is an opportunity to improve your marketing strategy.


Final Thoughts


Amazon Storefronts has proven to be one of the most effective tools in the Amazon world because it allows sellers to reflect the value of their brand through an interactive and well-designed page.

These updates are very convenient since buyers can have an experience as similar as visiting a brick-and-mortar store.

Since this tool is available at no cost to brand-registered sellers, many companies have decided to invest time and effort in designing Stores that are attractive and useful to buyers.

At the end of the day, remember that these pages reflect the quality of the products you sell and the prestige of your brand. They can be considered as a presentation card to your customers.

Therefore, we recommend that you visit other Stores of well-known brands. Here are some for your review:

  • Arm & Hammer
  • Lego
  • Gillette
  • Illy

Follow the recommendations of other Stores that Amazon gives you while doing your research, so that you can get more ideas.

If you already have a Store, improve it to keep your customers satisfied, and if you haven’t created one yet, visit Amazon Stores to learn more.

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