Spot Scammers with an Amazon Review Checker

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Many sellers use an Amazon review checker on a regular basis. This tool allows you to spot scammers trying to discredit your brand on Amazon. 

Customer reviews are the endgame of Amazon marketing. It’s what convinces new users about your product’s quality. In other words, positive reviews make customers trust you.

Most sellers deliver quality products and service to build up great reviews. But a few others rely on fake reviews to attract sales.

Users don’t need such deception from Amazon sellers. But how do you know if an Amazon review is real? Here’s where an Amazon review checker may come in handy.

If you want to learn more about such a tool, then you’re in the right place! Let’s review the best Amazon fake review checkers.

Plus, we’ll also share some tips to help you spot real reviews from the forged ones.


Why Do You Need to Check Amazon Reviews?


In today’s ecommerce landscape, writing reviews has become the norm. Customers trust themselves to tell whether a brand is worth their investment and attention.

That’s why good reviews are so crucial to drive visibility and sales. Conversely, it’s also why fake reviews may have the opposite effect.

Look at it this way: reviews create a snowball effect. User feedback boosts traffic, whether it’s positive or negative. But the latter could drag down your product’s ranks and sales overtime.

Fake Amazon reviews lead customers away from brands. First, because it leaves them with a subpar product. Second, because it’s a waste of time and money. And finally and most importantly, the brand loses credibility. 

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What is an Amazon Review Checker?


Most customer reviews on Amazon are genuine. Still, Infinite FBA states that almost 42% of reviews on all review sites are bogus.

It wouldn’t be worth your time to go in to check each product listing for a fake review. That’s why you should use an Amazon Review checker.

These online tools are dedicated to single out shady feedback on Amazon. Once you submit an Amazon URL, the checker will reveal all the inflated reviews. Once you can see fake reviews on your listings, you can deal with them immediately.

So, a review checker can help you save your real customers from a bad shopping experience. Plus, it’ll also protect your reputation in the marketplace.


Let’s look at the best Amazon Review Checkers available to merchants:


The Review Index

Image source: thereviewindex

An easy-to-use Amazon fake review checker. You can access the Review Index via the URL, or as a Chrome and Firefox extension.

Simply enter an Amazon URL into the checker, and let the app do the rest. The Review Index uses neural networks to rate product listings from 1 to 10.

The review summary breaks down the results easily. You can check products by feedback rating, reliability, and pricing.

The app also conducts a spam test on Amazon pages. It’s designed to detect unusual behavior, such as too many reviews from new or low-active users.

The spam test rates listings with pass, warn or fail results. Plus, the Review Index also highlights verified purchases and ‘one tap’ ratings.



Image source: FakeSpot

This free software features a web extension and a mobile app.

You can use it to check which product listings have inflated reviews on Amazon.

Its proprietary algorithm singles out the listings with the most authentic reviews. 

You only need to submit the URL to FakeSpot. From then on, the app rates the results by quality, price and competitiveness.

FakeSpot is also well-known for Guard. This feature compares sellers against their product reviews to rate a brand’s reputation. It’s an excellent tool to weed out misleading sellers.

All in all, FakeSpot is a great option for sellers and customers. You’ll save yourself from low-quality offers.



Image source: Review Meta

ReviewMeta singles out fake ratings using a 12-step analysis on Amazon product listings.

The end results deliver a rating based solely on legitimate customer reviews.

The app is available on the website, as a Chrome extension, or as a mobile app. Once you copy an Amazon URL, paste it on ReviewMeta and click Go.

ReviewMeta will then deliver an adjusted rating. These are the authentic results from a single product. The app filters fake reviews out of the results.

If you want to check the shady reviews, you can check the report card. This seed ranks listings based on suspicious reviews, and unverified sales.

With ReviewMeta, you can single out the worthiest sellers in no time.


How Do You Know if an Amazon Review is Real?


Sellers won’t always look for bogus reviews on Amazon. But what if you think a listing promises more than it can deliver?

In such cases, we recommend that you conduct a few quick tests. This will help you decide if the product would pass through an Amazon review checker.

  1. Look out for super positive reviews, but offer little information. That may be an unusual pattern, since it’s very hard to get multiple 5-star ratings by organic means.
  2. Follow the same rule for listings with too many negative reviews. Both cases may single out products with inflated reviews. In this case, it could be due to a competitor leaving bad reviews on a listing.
  3. It’s also key to check for different user experiences. Customers have varying tastes, so it’s unlikely that all users have a completely great experience with the same item.
  4. Also check the review dates. How likely is it that many customers post their reviews on the same day? That could be a red flag for fake reviews.


Beware of Review Hijacking


There are cases when sellers take hold of ‘abandoned’ listings, and use the old reviews to boost sales. This is called review hijacking.

It usually happens to once-popular products, which have gone out of production. Sometimes, the listing is still online. So, a brand could come in and resell that product.

But that’s not all. Since the listing was only abandoned and not removed, all its positive reviews are still there. This means that sellers could leverage it to rise up on the Amazon search ranks.

As a consequence, sellers can profit from old reviews, which are no longer valid. Plus, customers may believe the hype, and end up buying a knock-off item.

Related content: Amazon Review Hijacking


Final Thoughts


Positive customer reviews are often the tipping point of Amazon sales. They are a social validation for a product’s quality.

According to SellerApp, over 80% of Amazon users check reviews before making a purchase. That’s why there’s such a trend as fake reviews in the marketplace.

It’s always a good idea to know how to detect real reviews. But scammers continue to find ways to cheat the marketplace.

So, it’s always better to arm yourself with an Amazon review checker. This is the way to root out sketchy competitors, protect your products.

Plus, you’ll keep on delighting customers with quality offers. Best of luck!




Esteban Muñoz is an SEO copywriter at AMZ Advisers, with several years’ experience in digital marketing and e-commerce. Esteban and the AMZ Advisers team have been able to achieve incredible growth on the Amazon platform for their clients by optimizing and managing their accounts and creating in-depth content marketing strategies.

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