Frequently Asked Amazon Seller Questions

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Amazon is always evolving. The retail giant seeks new ways to improve customer experience on a daily basis. This also translates to new challenges for sellers, old and new.

And that, of course, begets quick and effective responses so you can keep on selling. However, some issues are more common than others.

Our Amazon experts deal with such issues 24/7. They have the answers to the most common Amazon seller questions. And today, they’d like to share them with you. 

So without further ado, let’s review the top Amazon seller problems that most brands struggle with.

Amazon FAQs – What Sellers Need to Know


Daily Ad Spend


Each ad campaign has a set budget to spend each day. That’s said, this does not mean that you will use that whole amount every day.

Your overall spend will depend on the clicks that your ads get, and also on your ad bids. There are 3 types of bids you can use:

  • Dynamic bids (down). Amazon lowers your ad bid if it predicts that the ad won’t get many conversions. 
  • Dynamic bids (up and down). Amazon will adjust the ad bid depending on the fluctuating conversion rate. 
  • Fixed bids. These keep the original bid for the duration of the campaign, unless you make an adjustment.


Improving Flat Sales Volume


There could be many reasons that cause sales stagnation. First off, you should narrow down the possible causes. So, ask yourself:

  • How big is the market you’re in?
  • Does your market have many competitors?
  • What’s your current sales status?
  • Are there growth opportunities you can exploit?
  • Do you rank among the top sellers for your niche?

If you’re running an ad campaign, perhaps you need to increase your bids and budget. If your problem lies with conversions, then try to optimize your listings:

  • Detailed content. Share specific product details. Let customers know as much as possible about an offer.
  • Quality visuals. Include up to 8 images that portray the value of your product.

Also, encourage product reviews from customers. Positive reviews will boost your search ranks, so more users can find your listings.


Amazon Search Ranks


Brand new listings may need some time to start ranking on Amazon. The A9 algorithm considers keywords, conversions, and reviews to bump your listing in the search engine.

Relevant keywords boost organic traffic. Take the time to research the best keyword that can help you. As a rule of thumb, go for terms that your customers will use.

You should also invest in marketing so that customers notice your offers. Once you start selling and delighting customs, Amazon will take notice.


Vendor Central vs Seller Central


Amazon vendors are wholesale suppliers for Amazon. They rely on Vendor Central as their work dashboard.

Amazon sellers are third-party brands that sell their stock on Amazon. These merchants use Seller Central to run their business in the marketplace.

But which is the best option? We prefer Seller Central. Vendors give up most of the sales control to Amazon. 

In contrast, Seller Central offers much more freedom to sellers. You can create and update listing content, and also control your final product prices. 


Legal Status


All sellers need a legal business to set up an Amazon account. We recommend setting up a Limited Liability Company (LLC) to save you many troubles.

LLCs keep business assets separate from personal assets. So, you won’t be as vulnerable in case something goes wrong. Plus, you’ll also pay fewer taxes, and be eligible for more tax deductions.

A sole proprietorship is easier to set up. However, this model also means you’ll be tied to your business. So, any issue with your Amazon account will directly affect you and your personal assets. And you’ll also be subject to higher income taxes.


Related Content: Sole Proprietorship vs LLC


Product Inspections


You can’t sell just any kind of product from the get-go. Some may need proper testing and certifications before you can sell them.

Your country’s government should provide a list of such items. For example, the US Regulations, Mandatory Standards, and Bans offers many guides that regulate the selling of dangerous materials.

Make sure you inspect products before shipment. You can also go the extra mile by checking your manufacturing materials during production. This will help you get the proper certifications before you start selling. 


Related content: Top Amazon FBA mistakes, and How to Avoid Them


Amazon Tools for Seller Support


Some Amazon seller issues are only solvable by Amazon. For example, errors in pricing or faulty selling metrics. In these cases, merchants can use the following resources to answer their questions.


Amazon Seller Forums


This is a seller-exclusive forum where you can talk to other Amazon merchants. Here, you can discuss any sales issue you can imagine.

The Amazon seller forum welcomes sellers from all over the world. You only need to submit your Amazon seller questions to get a stream of answers.

Brands will respond almost immediately, so you may find your answers in no time. You can also start full chat conversations to dig a little deeper into any Amazon-related issue.

Amazon Seller Central Help Page


You may have bumped into this page in the past. Help for Amazon Sellers gathers every technical issue related to Amazon sales.

You can find detailed info about any topic you can think of. For example, opening a brand-new account, FBA troubleshooting, and Amazon’s policies.


Amazon Selling Partner Blog


Amazon hosts its very own blog. Here, the retail shares every update or innovation related to the marketplace.

The blog also has many posts which address Amazon seller questions and troubleshooting solutions. Make sure you save the blog and check regularly, so you’ll be up to date on all Amazon-related news.

Amazon Seller Support


Amazon Seller Support is designed to put sellers in touch with Amazon. Its goal is to troubleshoot any setback related to Amazon sales. For example:

  • Product listing issues
  • Stock management and deliveries
  • Item packing or shipments
  • User returns and refunds

Seller Support has different areas of specialty. So, you should select the right issue before messaging Amazon’s staff. Here’s the process to do it:

  1. Log in to Amazon Seller Central and go to “Help.”
  2. Choose “Advertising and Stores” or “Selling on Amazon.”
  3. Submit your query in the search bar.

Now you’ll see the support categories related to your specific problem. Select the one that best reflects what you’re trying to solve.

In case you still can’t find your answer, click on “Get Support”. Here, go to “Selling on Amazon” and describe your selling problem in detail. This way, Amazon Seller Support will get a better grip on what you want to solve.

Another option is to talk with Amazon Seller Support directly. To do so, click on “Other account issues”. This will open 2 tabs: phone and email.  Choose either option to start a conversation with Amazon.

In most cases, Seller Support will contact you in less than 24 hours. From then on, you can state your case with an Amazon Associate, who’ll help you solve your problem.

Related Content: How to Avoid Wasting Time with Amazon Seller Support

Final Thoughts


Maybe you already enjoy great success on Amazon. So, you may think “I’ve figured out the Amazon marketplace” – but there is always more to learn.

Even seasoned brands run into a few setbacks from time to time. The previous questions can help you to be aware of the most common issues. Plus, they are the gateway to overcoming possible pitfalls as quickly as possible.

If you think you may need some help, you can always contact our Amazon experts. Our team is ready to provide the best assistance and services for Amazon sellers like you.


Esteban Muñoz is a content writer at AMZ Advisers, with several years’ experience in digital marketing and e-commerce. Esteban and the AMZ Advisers team have been able to achieve incredible growth on Amazon for their clients by optimizing and managing their accounts, and creating in-depth content marketing strategies.

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