Feedback Genius Review, Pricing, and Recommendations

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Our job at AMZ Advisers is to help our clients stand out from the rest of the crowd. Part of the way we do that is by getting them the most reviews and visibility on the Amazon platform. Although it is more challenging now to get reviews on Amazon than ever before, there are some basic tools that we use to help our clients get as much ‘social proof’ as we can for their listings.

One of the tools that we use is Feedback Genius and we’ve been using this tool since we first started selling on Amazon. It is a product that our entire team is familiar with and that we use regularly with our clients to help maximize the reviews on their product listings.

We are going to take a look at what Feedback Genius does, how Feedback Genius works,  Feedback Genius’s features, pricing, and we’ll provide our recommendations and feedback on what we like and don’t like about the product.

What Does Feedback Genius Do?

Feedback Genius helps Amazon sellers send emails to customers that purchase their product on the platform. The e-mails can be used as a follow-up to ask about the customer’s satisfaction with the product service or purchasing experience.

The end goal of asking about the customer’s experience is to ultimately see if we are providing enough value that they may be willing to leave a review on our product about their purchase experience or about the product itself.

This is the primary way that you can get reviews on the Amazon platform now that Amazon banned all incentivized reviews. Without incentivized reviews, it is much more challenging to get customer reviews, and email feedback sequences are the typical way that most sellers are doing so.

This maximizes your chances of getting social proof that can encourage additional shoppers to buy your product.

How Feedback Genius Works?

Feedback genius uses an API connection to the Amazon Seller Central interface to work. It requires you to connect the application to your Amazon seller account so that it can view the incoming orders you have and send out follow-up emails after a specified time period.

Set up for feedback genius is quite simple and can be accomplished in a few quick steps. You will first need to sign up with Seller Labs and follow their steps to give them the API access they need

Once the application is connected, you will need to create an email template to send to the purchaser after a number of days after purchase. You may choose to use a template that has been proven to work by other companies or you can create your own template from scratch.

Previously Amazon, allowed you to send an email sequence instead of a single email –  which function as an email drip campaign. However, Amazon now restricts you to one email per order and customers have the ability to opt out of receiving emails, making it harder to get the review you need.

Feedback Genius Features

The application also has some unique features that help you to optimize your email campaigns and get the most reviews as possible for your products. It can take the entire process off your hands and allow you to focus on other areas of your business. We have highlighted the best features below.


The most important feature of Feedback Genius is that it will automatically send out the emails for you through the API connection. It will send a template based on the product you specified.  This removes any manual processes that you may have needed to do to follow up with customers.

If a customer responds to your email, you can of course step in and address their concerns or questions directly.

Blacklisted Customers

Feedback genius also allows you to exclude future emails from customers that have opted out of receiving emails. This prevents you from having an email bounce, or any potential issues that could come up with Amazon’s policies.

Sending Media

Feedback genius can also allow you to send media such as images or attachments to the customer purchasing your product. This allows you to offer free incentives on your listing such as ebooks or instruction guides that can provide additional value to the end consumer and help your product stand out from the competition.

Notifications for Feedback and Reviews

You can also receive notifications in real time as you’re getting a customer review or feedback.  This allows you to promptly respond to any customer communication that you receive and potentially resolve an issue or thank the customer for purchasing from you.

Addressing negative concerns quickly as they come in can show other shoppers how seriously you take your customer service and potentially convince them to purchase from you.

Split Testing

Feedback Genius allows you to test different email combinations and see what gets you the best results through their split testing (A/B testing) features. This can help you optimize your email sequence to get the most reviews from potential customers by seeing the metrics of how each template performs.

Marketplace Availability

Another great benefit of Feedback Genius is that it’s available in multiple Amazon marketplaces beyond the U.S. It is also available in Canada, Mexico, France, Italy, India, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Many email follow-up softwares only connect to the US marketplace, so this availability is important.


Feedback genius provides analytics on how the email messages are being sent, received, opened, and reviewed by customers.  These analytics are displayed in easy-to-use graphs and charts that help you better understand how your email sequence is doing.

Email Triggers

Determining when the email goes out is also an important part of building your email follow-up sequence.  Feedback Genius allows you to specify certain criteria of when your email should go out such as a certain number of days after your product is either purchased, shipped, or received. This can help you customize the buyer’s experience and test when the best time to send an email is.

Feedback Genius Pricing

In the past, Feedback Genius was provided as a separate tool from Seller Labs products. They now combine Feedback Genius into a tool suite that they call an all-in-one solution for Amazon sellers to grow on the marketplace.

The pricing is based on your volume of sales and will change for each seller. They also provide the option of monthly or annual payments and provide a discount for sellers that choose the annual plan. The first tier is for sellers doing up to $50,000 in annual sales and they charge $49 per month on the monthly plan and a 20% discount for the annual plan.

The next pricing tier beyond that goes from $50,000 to $250,000 a year. Pricing is essentially double the first tier and it continues to increase from there. Sellers doing between $3 million to $5 million dollars per year can expect to pay $499 per month. Beyond that tier you need to contact Seller Labs to get a customized estimate of what your monthly fee will be.

Annual Sales RangeMonthly PriceAnnual Price
$5,000,000+Contact SalesContact Sales
VendorContact SalesContact Sales

Our Review

Feedback Genius is a tool that we have a lot of familiarity with at AMZ Advisers. However, we are not as familiar with the other tools in the Seller Labs suite. We are going to focus more on the specific email follow-up sequence tool and not on the other aspects of Seller Labs products.

What We Like

What we enjoy most about Feedback Genius is the ability to split-test different email messages and get the best result for our clients. We can provide a unique experience for each shopper with the unique triggers that feedback genius offers. For example, we can create an email follow-up for repeat customers which is not possible through many other applications.

The product pricing and usability is also a great selling point and another reason why we enjoy using this application.

  • Usability. The setup process is easy-to-follow and does not require a lot of time.
  • Customization. The variety of email triggers helps to better customize the shopper experience.
  • Testing. The ability to split-test email sequences helps you get the best outcome for your account.

What We Don’t Like

Our main complaints about the product relate to the pricing and the fact that it is now packaged with the other tools within the Seller Labs suite. Previously, the product was available for purchase separately and the pricing was fixed for each seller.

Now the pricing is on a tiered basis and it is not possible to get access to Feedback Genius without purchasing the other tools. Additional pricing for the other tools makes the product a little more expensive and we are unfamiliar with how these tools compare to other products in the market.

  • Pricing. It is tiered-based on annual sales and also more expensive than it previously was to buy it alone.
  • Packaged. Unable to get access to the product by itself.

Who Is Feedback Genius for?

With customers having the option to opt out of emails from sellers, it is harder than ever to get reviews for your Amazon products. Having an email follow-up sequence like Feedback Genius is extremely important; however, there is no guaranteed number of reviews that you will be able to get from your email follow up sequences.

Amazon also allows Seller Central users to now enroll their products in the early reviewer program or the Amazon Vine Program. Both of these programs have a one-time cost and allow you to get up to 5 and 35 reviews respectively. The cost of these programs may come out lower than signing up for a feedback sequence tool like Feedback Genius. Amazon also now allows you to manually request a review from a purchaser by going through the orders in your account.

We believe that Feedback Genius is a good tool for established brands that are continuing to build customer review and feedback overtime. Brands that are doing more than $1,000,000 a year on Amazon may not bulk at the cost of the Seller Labs tool suite. However, it may be difficult for smaller sellers or sellers that are just getting started to sign up for the tool when they do have the options of getting reviews directly through the Amazon platform.

We would recommend this product to any seller that is looking to create an email follow-up sequence to generate more customer feedback. It is also important to consider that in our review of Feedback Genius we continue to use this product for many of our clients and I think that speaks a lot towards how we see the product bringing value to our clients.

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