How to Use Facebook Pixel for Amazon Sales

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Facebook is a versatile advertising platform, and you can use a Facebook pixel for Amazon retargeting just like you would for any other webpage. This way, you can take advantage of both Facebook’s and Amazon’s wide audiences to target and convert more customers.

A Facebook pixel allows you to track what your targets do after they click through your ad to your link. This gives you a lot of useful data on customer behavior and how your ad is working, and a great opportunity to capture emails and secure a sale before you send them to Amazon. Using a pixel for Amazon also enables remarketing efforts so you can capture more customers.

Why You Should Use Facebook Ads for Amazon Products

Facebook has undergone a lot of changes in 2019. Scrutiny from governments around the world has had an effect on the data available to advertisers on Facebook. However, there are still many positives and upsides that are reasons that it makes sense to advertise your Amazon products.

There are over 2 billion active monthly users on Facebook. That means you have an incredible opportunity to hone in on a target audience within that user base. Advanced targeting features on Facebook like utilizing pixels can also be a huge boon to an eCommerce brand.

You can develop the ability to target customers similar to your previous purchasers by using your existing transactional data from your website. If you do not have your own website, you can also set up sales funnels to help guide and track potential customers while they are in your sales funnel.

Pixel for Amazon converts

How a Pixel Works

A Facebook pixel is a code that you can create on Facebook Business and put into your website header – much like the code for Google Analytics. It allows you to track actions taken as visitors click through to other pages. If you need help getting that set up, check out Facebook’s pixel creation guide. You can also use the Facebook Pixel Helper extension for Chrome browsers to help you check and fix errors with the installation.


By adding custom conversions to your ads, you can track specific behaviors. This will help you properly funnel your targets and send only converting customers to your Amazon listings. You don’t want browsers on your Amazon page because this can hurt your ranking, so a pixel for Amazon can help you channel visitors and keep only those who are ready to buy. You don’t have as much of a problem on Amazon itself because people on Amazon are mostly ready to buy. On Facebook, however, you have an assortment of people and you need to find the ones with money in hand.


With a pixel installed, you can track website visitors even if they haven’t clicked on your ad. As long as they’re logged into Facebook when they visit your website, you can see what pages they visit and how long they stay there. This gives you more information on what they like to do and at what level they’re at in the purchasing journey.


All the data that you gather is also great for creating custom audiences on Facebook and using these to refine targeting and create spin-off ads to cater to specific audience types. Going a step further, you can ad conversion events, which are more specific, and use a separate code to track these

Using a Pixel for Amazon

Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your Facebook pixel for Amazon sales:

Traffic versus Conversions

Facebook is great for driving traffic, but not so good for driving conversions, especially when you’ve just begun to run an ad. Your initial focus should therefore be on traffic rather than sales so you can leverage this strength. The sales will come as you filter visitors through a landing page.

You can use an affiliate link to track purchases – whether straight from Facebook or from your landing page – but this won’t allow you to track return visits. This is still the best option, however, since there’s no way you can put your pixel on Amazon.

Unique Products

Apart from sending to your Amazon listing only those customers who are ready to buy, you should be careful about which listings you send them to. Pick products that are more unique and don’t bother with the more generic. This is all about competition – your efforts and spend won’t be worth it if you’re dealing with a competitive buy box.

acebook Pixel for Amazon Sales

Your Click Path

If you choose to send people straight from Facebook to Amazon, make sure your ad copy mentions this. If you’re sending them to a landing page for filtering, you may still want to mention Amazon on the ad, and make sure that customers know that they’re going to leave your site and be redirected to Amazon.

Transparency is important to the customer relationship, and mentioning Amazon can also beneficial –Amazon is a respected name in online shopping, and it can encourage more conversions than your own website or brand. No offense, but the average netizen is going to trust Amazon a whole lot more than a website they’ve never heard of before. Moreover, Amazon can probably offer better shipping options. Take advantage of that.

In our opinion sending traffic to Amazon is not the best use of your advertising dollars. There are a few reasons why you should consider sending your customers to a landing page first:

  • Potential customers on Facebook are not necessarily looking to make a purchase right away. This is what is considered a cold audience. You need to introduce customer to your brand first so that they can get more comfortable making a purchase from you.
  • Conversion rates on Facebook traffic are going to be lower than conversion rates on Amazon ads. Sending cold traffic to an Amazon listing can actually decrease your conversion rate and hurt your listing.
  • Tracking purchases from the advertising is nearly impossible for direct traffic to Amazon.

Building a landing page gives you distinct advantages over sending cold traffic. The landing page will help you to collect email addresses which can then be used for addition retargeting on and off of Facebook. The landing page also allows you to place the pixel to build a lookalike audience. A landing page can help you explain your product better to customers and provide them with an enticing discount offer that may not be as effective if it is placed directly in an ad.


Pixel for Amazon retargettingRetargeting can be challenging if you’re sending people straight to Amazon (even with an affiliate link). First, people who see your ad on Facebook aren’t likely to make a purchase straight off the bat. Second, you can’t put a pixel on your Amazon listing.

This is another great reason to use a landing page in between Facebook and Amazon. This page is where you can use a pixel for Amazon tracking. You’ll be able to see how many people clicked on the link, and if it’s an affiliate link, how many purchased. With a little more work, you can then see who didn’t purchase. Because you have gathered some information on these visitors through your landing page, you can reach out to them with specific pitches to boost conversions.

By retargeting, you can maximize sales while also bringing your cost per acquisition down. This saves you a lot of effort and spend in the long run. Just make sure that you are checking your data and that you are developing content that will help you with retargeting. For instance, you can use an ebook or video to track interests and levels of interest so you know who you should reach out to first and how to bring them closer to a purchase.

Going even further, you can retarget previous customers with a custom ad through custom audiences to bring them back for another purchase. These people have already bought from you, and this means that they have at least some love for your brand – if you treated them well the first time, that is. They will be more likely to purchase again, which makes the opportunity too good to pass up. You can follow up on a re-supply of the same product – as applicable – or show them a new product that you have in stock.

How to Get the Most Out of Facebook Ads for Amazon Products

Creating successful Facebook ads as an Amazon seller is not a set it and forget it type of approach. There is constant testing and improvement that you will need to go through to ensure you are getting the best return out of your advertising dollars.

You need to constantly be split testing your ads to see what performs best. You can’t simply try one ad with a headline and make no changes. This is inefficient and will just lead to you wasting your advertising dollars.

We believe you should always start split testing your images first on your ads. It is surprising how different images can have different connotations and cause certain actions. You should also test the media you are using – images vs. image carousel vs. video.

Once you have good results from an image and media you should look at trying to improve the headline first and then the advertising copy.  Continually testing is one of the major keys to be successful with running Facebook ads for your Amazon products.

giving tipsOur Tips for Creating Great Facebook Ads for Amazon Products

Don’t worry if you don’t have a ton of experience in Facebook advertising. We find that the majority of Amazon Sellers do not. It will require continually testing and improvement to get your ads where you want to be. And while some things may work for one company or brand, they may not for another. With that being said, we believe there are some specific tips we that can help you on your Facebook marketing journey.

Create a Compelling Offer

Like we said before, people browsing Facebook may not be as interested in buying a product right away compared to someone shopping on Amazon. That’s why we believe it is important to have a great offer that a customer will want to take advantage of.

Most Amazon sellers will offer a steep discount to try to convert Facebook traffic into Amazon purchases. The point of offering a high discount is to receive as many purchases for your product as you can in a short period of time. The additional purchases can help you rank for a specific search, help you build your purchase history and increase your product’ sales velocity. All of that contributes to ranking better within the Facebook algorithm.

Continually Test Your Audiences

You should continually be trying to segment and sub-segment your Facebook audiences and test them against each other. Each custom or lookalike audience can have additional targeting such as demographic, geographic or interest-based targeting. This can help narrow your advertising down and find the customers most likely to purchase.

Starting with a lookalike audience from a Facebook ad account pixel will probably provide the best return on your advertising from the start. Finding cold audiences and building an effective target audience can take time and patience, and will not necessarily yield the results you are looking for from the start.

We recommend taking both approaches. A lookalike audience can certainly provide better results in the short-term. However, testing cold audiences may help you to learn more about who your customer base is than you originally planned.

Use a Landing Page

The overall goal of using Facebook ads will be to increase your Amazon sales and create a potential new sales channel that you can go back to for launching products, ranking for keywords or even driving traffic to your website in the future.

Not utilizing a landing page can cause significant problems for your Amazon listings if you are sending traffic that is not converting. It can also be a waste of your advertising budget if you are not being able to re-targeting interested customers in the future.

A landing page will help you to capture leads and build your brand for the future. Using one for your advertising campaigns will help you build your Facebook Pixel for Amazon sales – and even potentially sales on a Shopify or other eCommerce platform in the future.

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