Amazon Prime Fall Deal Event | What Sellers Should Know

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Did you just miss out on this year’s Prime Day? What if we told you you could get another shot at participating in Prime Day this year? Amazon is rumored to hold a Prime Fall Deal Event around October 2022.

And why not? Each Amazon Prime Day outsells its last iteration. The most recent Prime Day, held from July 12th to 13th 2022, set the following sales records:

  • Amazon Prime subscribers bought over 300 million items worldwide.
  • Global Prime members purchased around 100,000 products per minute.
  • Customers saved over $1.7 billion by shopping during Prime Day.

Amazon advised some third-party sellers to submit new lightning deals by July 2022. Now, whether this is a “Prime Day 2”, or a campaign like Epic Day Deals 2021, is still unclear. The event has no official confirmation by Amazon. 

Regardless, the Prime Fall Deal event is the perfect opportunity to start your Q4 sales with a bang.

What is Amazon Prime Day?


Amazon Prime Day is about offering fast and free shipping for a subscription fee. That’s been the main goal since the first Prime Day in 2005. And it’s worked wonders for Amazon.

  • Prime has over 200 million subscribers, with 75% of members located in the US alone.
  • US members spend around $1,400 on Amazon Prime each year.
  • Amazon Prime holds a 93% retention rate after the first-year subscription.
  • Retention increases to 98% after 2 years using Amazon Prime.
  • The service includes music and video streaming, and discounts at Whole Foods.
  • Loyal subscribers only shop products that feature the Prime badge.  

Sources:  Getbeamer & Web Tribunal

Prime Day is the most successful of Amazon Loyalty Programs. It’s always held one time a year. So, a “Prime Day 2” would be quite a hallmark for eCommerce sellers.

Related content: How to Become an Amazon Prime Seller


What is the Amazon Prime Fall Deal Event?

Amazon Prime fall would be a new event, focused on jumpstarting the holiday season for sellers.

Merchants can get the chance to share new offers and lightning deals with users. So, you could start creating a marketing campaign that helps boost sales during Q4 2022.

Amazon has organized new sales events in recent years, similar to Prime Day. For example: 

  • Epic Day Deals 2021. Amazon created a unique landing page to showcase special deals throughout October 2021.
  • Holiday Beauty Haul. Amazon featured offers for beauty products, from October 4th to the 25th  in 2021.

Both events were a great success in 2021. Plus, each helped Amazon kickstart the holiday season, beginning with Halloween.


When is the Amazon Prime Fall Deal Event?


Details about a similar event in 2022 are sparse. That said, some reports state Amazon has been encouraging some sellers to submit new lightning deals since July.

The retail giant also advised brands via Seller Central to stock up their warehouses and storage spaces for new FBA shipments.

Usually, sellers get a 1–2-month window to submit Prime Day deals. As for shipments, it’s ideal that sellers stock up three weeks before a big sale.

For some, this is a clear indication that Amazon could be preparing for a big event in mid-October.

Let’s not forget that back in 2020 Amazon actually held Prime Day in October. Back then, third-party sales went beyond $3.5 billion.

Granted, that particular Prime Day got delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But its success proved that October is also a great time to hold a unique event like Amazon Prime Day.


How to Prepare for the Amazon Prime Fall Deal Event


Every Prime Day sees a surge of customers browsing Amazon, even days before the big event. But that’s not always enough.

Merchants should prepare users to take advantage of unique offers during Prime Day. And they should do the same for what Amazon may have in store for Q4 2022.

Let’s review some of the tactics that can help you during the Prime Fall Deal event. If nothing else, they’ll also lay the groundwork for the holiday season sales.


Stock Up and Show It


Choose your best-selling items, and make sure you have enough in stock to meet demand. Then, make sure that your best items feature the Prime Badge.

As we said, Prime subscribers only buy Prime-approved products. So, let the audience know that you offer free shipping.


Encourage Customer Reviews


Customer engagement goes beyond the checkout cart. The best brands want to learn about user experience and also encourage product reviews.

This is also a great help for interested customers. JungleScout states that over 60% of buyers consult reviews before purchasing.

So, the reviews that you collect during Prime Day 2 will greatly benefit your sales during Q4 2022.


Engage in social media


Your social media platforms are a direct line with followers.

According to JungleScout, 46% of social media users like being “followed” by ads. It helps them keep track of brands and offers on a regular basis.

So, go for it. Make sure you share the offers available during Prime Day. When sellers invest in customer engagement, they also invest in conversions.  


Lower Ceiling Prices 


An event like Prime day will increase customer interest. Pair up with an effective PPC campaign, and you’ll break your sales records in a few days.

But this is a delicate balance. The goal is to boost profits, not only to break even. The customer surge can make up for lowered prices.

Plus, lowering prices can also help you protect you from overspending on ad campaigns.  


Map Out Q4 Offers


Combine Amazon’s event with specific holidays. Sellers can submit lightning deals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday until October 7th.

This can help you plan out the estimated sales you’d expect from Prime Day. At the same time, you can also lead customers to keep on browsing for new offers in November.

With such a strategy, you’ll keep users engaged throughout the 2022 holiday season. 


Final Thoughts


We’re close to October now. So, the Prime Fall deal event window is quite short. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of whatever Amazon is preparing.

Amazon always confirms Prime Day dates very close to the actual events. So, if there’s a “Prime Day Fall 2022”, we’ll know about it in late September. If you start now, you’ll be ready for this easily.

But even if there’s no Prime Day 2, the retail giant may kickstart Q4 2022 sales with a similar event. Sellers should take advantage of this, since Amazon holiday sales are about to begin.

Either way, you now have a heads up to prepare for great October sales. And once that’s set up, you’ll be more than ready to boost revenue until January 2023.

Good luck to you!



Esteban Muñoz is a content writer at AMZ Advisers, with several years’ experience in digital marketing and e-commerce. Esteban and the AMZ Advisers team have been able to achieve incredible growth on Amazon for their clients by optimizing and managing their accounts, and creating in-depth content marketing strategies.

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