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Unlocking the bustling market of Latin America requires a savvy approach, especially when aiming to sell on Amazon Brazil. This vibrant market offers promising opportunities, with a consumer base eager to shop for a diverse range of products. 

However, choosing to sell on Amazon Brazil and other ecommerce platforms in the country requires a lot of research. For example, navigating customs and Brazil import tax, and being familiar with market trends.

Let’s discuss the steps you need to go through to sell on Amazon Brazil, including logistics arrangements and challenges you need to navigate through.


Amazon Brazil | An Overview

The Brazil Ecommerce Market Opportunities Databook 2023 predicts that the market of eCommerce in Brazil is set for a 9.34% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). This rate forecasts the sector’s gross merchandise value to reach $81.3 billion by the end of 2027.

Brazilian Ecommerce Market (Source - Research and Markets)
Brazilian Ecommerce Market (Source – Research and Markets)

The growth of Brazilian ecommerce is further supported by data from Insider Intelligence that says Brazil is the 10th fastest-growing ecommerce market in the world and the second fastest-growing ecommerce in Latin America.

Top 10 countries for retail ecommerce growth (Source - Insider Intelligence)
Top 10 countries for retail ecommerce growth (Source – Insider Intelligence)

These numbers highlight why many locals are aiming to put up a Brazilian store online. After all, the earning opportunities in the Brazil online shopping industry are too promising, with such a robust market. 

When placed side by side with other Brazilian online marketplaces, Amazon Brazil’s position becomes even more intriguing. Data from Americas Market Intelligence shows Mercado Libre to be the biggest ecommerce player in the country, followed by Shopee and Amazon.

Brazil ecommerce websites market share (Source - Americas Market Intelligence/Conversion)
Brazil ecommerce websites market share (Source – Americas Market Intelligence/Conversion)

Despite not being the top on the list, Amazon Brazil differentiates itself through its robust logistics infrastructure, customer service excellence, and a growing suite of seller tools designed to simplify the complexities of cross-border trade. 

This strategic positioning not only bolsters Amazon’s appeal to foreign sellers but also enhances the shopping experience for Brazilian consumers, attracting them to buy from Amazon Brazil.


Can I sell on Amazon Brazil?

Does Amazon ship to Brazil and can a non-Brazilian Amazon international seller sell on Amazon Brazil? Of course! It’s not only possible but it also offers a gateway to one of the most vibrant ecommerce markets in Latin America. 

Through Amazon Global Selling, the platform simplifies the complex web of selling internationally, making it accessible for sellers from around the globe to reach Brazilian customers.

Here are some of the benefits of opting to sell on Amazon Brazil:

  • Access to Amazon Seller Central Brazil offers a localized interface for managing your business operations, from tracking sales to engaging with customers, all tailored to the unique dynamics of the Brazilian market. 
  • The ability to sell on Amazon internationally widens your market reach, allowing your products to be discovered by a vast and diverse audience beyond your home country, including the bustling Brazilian eCommerce space.
  • Utilizing Amazon Brazil Seller Central provides critical insights and tools specifically designed for navigating the complexities and tapping into the opportunities within Brazil’s eCommerce ecosystem.
  • Understanding and managing Amazon global selling fees ensures that you can strategically price your products and plan your finances to maintain profitability while expanding your market presence.
  • The Amazon Brazil website in English removes language barriers, making it easier for non-Portuguese-speaking sellers to manage their accounts, understand customer needs, and navigate the marketplace effectively.
Amazon Brazil in English (screenshot)
Amazon Brazil in English (screenshot)

Selling on Amazon vs. Mercado Libre

With recent data naming Mercado Libre as the top ecommerce player in the country, it’s not surprising that people looking to sell on Amazon Brazil may also be exploring the possibility of selling on Mercado Libre.

One of the main differences between the two is market penetration. If you choose to sell on Amazon Brazil, you have the leverage of a global brand and infrastructure that attracts buyers, promising a seamless shopping experience.

On the other hand, if you decide to pursue the trail of how to sell on Mercado Libre, you can enjoy its tailored services that allows it to maintain its position at the top of the Latin American ecommerce hierarchy.

Both platforms offer unique advantages, making the choice between them depend on the specific needs and preferences of sellers and consumers alike.

Related content: How to Sell on Amazon Mexico


How to Sell on Amazon Brazil

Here are a few essential steps to sell on Amazon Brazil:


Register Your Seller Account

Visit Amazon Seller Central Brazil and sign up for a seller account. You’ll need to choose between an individual or professional account based on your anticipated sales volume and the types of products you plan to sell. 

Prepare necessary documents, including tax information and business identification, to complete the registration process.


Understand Local Regulations

Familiarize yourself with Brazilian ecommerce regulations, including import taxes, Brazil customs clearance processes, and local consumer protection laws. This knowledge is crucial to ensure compliance and smooth operation within the Brazilian market.


Set Up Your Product Listings

Create detailed product listings in Portuguese, Brazil’s official language, to connect effectively with local customers. Include high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing. 

Use Amazon’s tools for keyword optimization to enhance visibility within the marketplace.


Leverage Amazon Fulfillment

Consider using Amazon FBA to streamline the selling process. FBA allows you to store your products in Amazon’s warehouses, where they handle shipping, customer service, and returns for you. 

This can be especially beneficial for managing shipping to Brazil costs and navigating Brazil customs more efficiently.


Challenges of Selling in Amazon Brazil and How to Overcome Them

Here are a few common challenges you may face if you decide to sell on Amazon Brazil:


High Logistics and Shipping Costs

Does Amazon deliver to Brazil? Yes. Amazon’s logistics network in the country comprises 10 fulfillment centers and 22 delivery stations. However, the logistics of shipping to Brazil can be daunting due to high shipping costs to Brazil. 

Solution. Consider using Amazon’s remote fulfillment options, which can help streamline the process and potentially reduce shipping cost to brazil.

If the cost of shipping to Brazil is too much for your business, you may also want to explore collaborating with local logistics partners that can also offer more competitive rates. 

It’s best to do your research to know whether remote fulfillment or marketplace expansion is the right solution for you.


Brazil Customs and Import Regulations

For sellers who choose to sell on Amazon Brazil, dealing with Brazil customs and navigating the Brazil customs clearance process can be daunting due to the complexity of regulations and potential for delays. 

Solution. Stay up-to-date with the latest import regulations and partner with a reputable customs broker specialized in exporting to Brazil. This partnership can ensure smoother customs clearance and compliance with local laws.


Language Barriers

It’s convenient to manage your store through the Amazon Brazil website in English. However, engaging with Brazilian customers in their native language can significantly enhance their shopping experience. 

Solution. Employ translation services for your product listings and customer service communications. You can also hirer bilingual customer service representatives to bridge the language gap effectively.


High Import Taxes

The Brazil import tax can significantly inflate the cost of imported goods, affecting their competitiveness in the market. 

According to the US International Trade Administration, imports in Brazil incur various taxes and fees, typically settled during the customs clearance phase. Import expenses include three major taxes: 

  • Import Duty (known as II in Portuguese)
  • Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI)
  • Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS)


Beyond these, imports are subject to additional minor taxes and fees. It’s important to note that the calculation of most taxes is cumulative.

Solution. Plan your product pricing strategy to include these taxes. In doing so, you’ll ensure that your offerings remain attractive to Brazilian consumers without compromising on profit margins.


Other Online Marketplaces in Brazil Sellers Can Explore

Aside from Amazon Brazil and Mercado Libre, here are a few more online marketplaces sellers can explore in Brazil:

  • Shopee has rapidly gained popularity in Brazil as a user-friendly mobile marketplace that offers a wide range of products, from fashion to electronics. Shopee came out as the second ecommerce platform in the country, with Amazon as a close third. 
  • OLX offers a broad spectrum of categories ranging from electronics to real estate. Its person-to-person selling model provides a direct and flexible way for sellers to connect with local buyers.
  • Magazine Luiza is one of Brazil’s fastest-growing retail companies, offering an online marketplace that caters to a wide variety of products. Magazine Luiza is renowned for its strong logistics network and customer-centric approach, making it an attractive platform for sellers.


The Bottom Line

Deciding to sell on Amazon Brazil presents an exciting opportunity for sellers looking to expand their reach and tap into a burgeoning market.

However, success in this market requires more than just listing your products. It demands a strategic approach that includes understanding local regulations, optimizing logistics, and engaging with customers in their local language. 

By leveraging Amazon’s powerful tools and services and staying informed on customs and tax regulations, sellers can navigate the complexities of the Brazilian eCommerce environment with confidence.



Esteban MunozEsteban Muñoz is a content writer with several years’ experience in digital marketing and eCommerce. He’s been able to achieve incredible growth for his associates by optimizing and managing their accounts, and creating in-depth content marketing strategies.


Carla Bauto DeñaCarla Bauto Deña is a journalist and content writer producing stories for traditional and digital media. She believes in empowering small businesses with the help of innovative solutions, such as ecommerce, digital marketing, and data analytics.


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