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TikTok eCommerce is on the rise. Back in February 2022, Search Engine Journal reported that 35% of TikTokers bought a product off TikTok. Plus, 44% of users found new items via TikTok Ads.

As one of the most popular social networks, TikTok constantly attracts new users every day. According to the Influencer Marketing Hub:

  • Almost 40% of TikTokers fall between 18-24 years of age.
  • Users between 25-44 years comprise 31% of TikTokers.

TikTok was also the most used platform for influencer marketing in 2021. Plus, it’s rumored that TikTok plans to build their own US warehouses. If true, this would allow the social media giant to compete with Facebook, and maybe Amazon.

With such a strong presence among customers, you can imagine what this channel could do for your sales!

In this post, we state why sellers need to use TikTok as a social commerce platform. We’ll also share a few tips to create a solid TikTok eCommerce strategy.

Is TikTok good for Ecommerce?


TikTok allows users to upload short videos. It also features background music and filters, which creators can use to personalize their content. Then, they can share their videos across the platform.

It’s a very user- and influencer-centric channel, designed for direct user interaction. It’s also a unique place for social commerce. This refers to the usage of social media channels to promote and sell products.

Social commerce earnings may reach $80 million by 2025. It’s also estimated to reach a global value of $2.9 trillion by 2026. This market is currently dominated by Meta, but TikTok is not far behind.

For example, TikTok is looking into launching its very own shop in select territories. Plus, the company is working with Shopify. Their goal is to offer an in-app shopping feature on TiKTok.

Plus, TikTok also launched many commerce solutions for sellers. TikTok for Business allows brands to connect their stores to the platform. Then, merchants can use links, ads or analytics to engage with users on TikTok.

So, you can see why TikTok’s become such a big presence among users and sellers. It’s a hub rife with new audiences and potential sales.


TikTok Ecommerce Tools


The key to success on TikTok eCommerce is authenticity. Users trust TikTok because it offers unfiltered content. This increases their trust in creators, and also on brands.

Besides, Google itself is taking notice of TikTok’s marketing potential. The internet giant even shows TikTok videos in their search results. It’s certainly something sellers should include in their Google Ads strategy.

Focus on generating views and engagement. You want users to land in your online store and start buying. With time and work, you may start to go viral and attract new customers.

To do so, here are 6 tools that can help you drive your TikTok eCommerce Strategy.




Do not repurpose your content. TikTok thrives on originality, which is great to build your brand’s personality with integrity. The trick is to blend in with the crowd, lest they swipe up at sponsored ads.

If you’re new to TikTok, take the time to review competitors. Check out how they engage with audiences and create your own content around that. Also, test the tools at your disposal.

We recommend partnering with seasoned TikTok creators and keeping up with trends. This’ll help you deliver unique content to users. 


Keywords and Hashtags


Hashtags on TikTok will let you engage with audiences using the same terms. Thus, you’ll deliver content to people who’ll want to see it from the start.  

Consider your products and buyer personas to select the best hashtags for you. This is crucial so that users can find your content quickly.

Apply the same principle to your keywords. Yes, TikTok is a visual platform, but you’ll still need to use keywords and SEO in video titles and captions. This will help you take your content into more visible spots on TikTok.


TikTok Ads


As of March 2022, TikTok ads reach almost 18% of internet users over 18 years old. That’s almost 884 million people in the world!

Here are some of the things you can do with TikTok ads:

  • Top view. Set up an ad so that it’s the first video TikTokers see when they open the app.
  • In-feed. The ad will show up in a user’s “For You” tab.
  • Dynamic showcase. Promote your product catalog within a single ad.
  • Collections. Combine video ads with landing pages to drive conversions.
  • Spark. Promote organic content to build brand awareness.
  • Lead gen. Design ads that collect user info to nurture potential leads.

You’ve created ads on Instagram or Facebook. The process is not much different on TikTok. Set a goal for each ad, cater it to a niche audience, and promote it.

And remember, it’s important that TikTok ads retain a sense of authenticity. 


Product Links


Brands can add store and product links to their TikTok profiles. So, you can connect TikTok with your own page, and even to Amazon Stores.

Such a tool is ideal to drive the most frequent viewers to your product catalog.

Also, consider investing in Calls-to-action, or CTAs. In fact, TikTok allows sellers to choose from a list of CTA options before publishing content. For example: “Learn more” or “Sign up”.

You can attach these links at the bottom of a TikTok Ad. Then, the link will redirect users into a specific product page.

This tactic can help you convert interested users while they’re spending time on TikTok.


Special Features


TikTok is already a trending hub for social commerce. And to drive this trend forward, the platform offers many features that can help sellers create unique customer experiences. For example:

  • Livestream shopping events. Brands can host live events once they have over 1000 followers. Use this tool to showcase product tutorials or DIY videos.
  • Shopping tab. Brands can include this icon in their TikTok profiles. Its goal is to help users navigate from a TikTok video to a product listing page.
  • Q & A. This feature allows users to engage with you. They can ask questions about a product, which can help drive customer delight and conversions.
  • Stitch and Duet. Both tools let you link another user’s video into your own content. Sellers can attach TikTokers using their products, so that other customers can see the item in action.


Influencer marketing


Many influencers find great success on TikTok. This makes the platform one of the best venues for influencer marketing campaigns.

In fact, TikTok has its very own creator marketplace. Here, you can find hundreds of creators, who already have a loyal follower base. It’s a matchmaking platform to find the best-influencers for your brand.

You should follow the same guidelines as in Facebook, Instagram, or even Amazon. Find creators that are aligned with your offers, work out a partnership, and start sharing content.

Then, influencers will create original content that showcases your products. They’ll tell their followers why they chose your offer, and how it’s benefited them. Plus, influencers can also set up giveaways to boost brand awareness.


 Final Thoughts


#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt. is now a viral hashtag that has generated over 39 billion views. This says it all about TikTok eCommerce. Plus, the phrase is still widely used both offline and online, which shows how much TikTok’s risen in eCommerce significance.

Many TikTokers discover new products by browsing on the platform. That’s why all brands should make the most out of their TikTok commerce tools.

As a seller, now’s the time to use TikTok to drive brand awareness. If not, you’ll narrow down your market reach, and miss out on delighting thousands of new customers.



Esteban-MuñozEsteban Muñoz is a content writer at AMZ Advisers, with several years’ experience in digital marketing and e-commerce. Esteban and the AMZ Advisers team have been able to achieve incredible growth on Amazon for their clients by optimizing and managing their accounts, and creating in-depth content marketing strategies.

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