
How to Choose an Amazon Seller Name

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Amazon has over 2 million sellers, and choosing the right name is an essential step to becoming recognizable. 

Choosing the right Amazon seller name is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. It’ll help define your brand image, what you sell, and what Amazon customers think of you.

But, how can you choose the best Amazon seller  name when there are so many ideas floating around? Well, you will need research, inspiration and creativity.

Below we will help you understand what your Amazon seller name should have and how to make the most out of it. 


Why does your Amazon seller name matter?

Your store name tells people what your brand is about, like what you stand for, the quality of your stuff, or what makes you different from other sellers.

Amazon sellers have to think about their storefronts like the big sign you would put outside your physical shop. A cool and easy-to-remember name can make shoppers interested in what you sell. 

Plus, a professional and trustworthy store name makes people feel confident buying from you. It shows you’re legit and can be trusted to deliver good stuff and great service. 

But if your name isn’t so good or sounds unprofessional, people might doubt if they should buy from you or just go to someone else. So, it’s not just about the name—it’s about building trust with customers.


Three Foundational Points

As you begin the exercise of choosing an Amazon seller name, there are a few points that you need to keep in mind. 

Note that these are foundational aspects of the process that are really non-negotiable.


Matching Names

Your business name, domain name, brand name and Amazon seller name should match to some degree. They don’t have to be exactly the same, but they should link up in some way so that they are easily associated with one another.

Your Amazon seller name must incorporate your brand name, however, which should be an exact match for your domain name. This way, optimizing your listings and marketing offsite will go much more smoothly. 

If that dotcom is not available, you really should choose a different brand name. Yes, even the domain extension is important.

And if you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, contact a professional marketing agency that can help guide you through the process. 



Keep who you are in mind. Your mission statement shows the qualities of your business and should guide your selection. 

Understand who you are as a brand, the types of products you intend to sell, and your target market. This means having a business plan, and being able to summarize it in a single sentence.



Know what type of seller you are. If you’re a third-party seller with a wide range of products – essentially a reseller – then your brand does not matter as much because you aren’t building a reputation from scratch.

Whether you buy wholesale or do retail arbitrage, you’re selling products that are already branded. So all you need to worry about is making sure your Amazon seller name supports you as a reputable seller.

In such cases, you may find that you won’t have to stress so much about your Amazon seller name after all. 

If, on the other hand, you’re doing private labeling or have your own unique products, you do need to pay close attention to your choice of Amazon seller name. You have your own line of branded products, which means that they’re intimately tied in with your brand name.

You want to make sure that people recognize you as the sole legitimate source of these products. Branding in this case is absolutely key.

amazon seller name ideas

Choose your Amazon seller name in 5 steps

Now, it is time to get to work. These are some actionable steps you can follow to craft the best Amazon seller name for your business:


1. Study Competitors and Market Trends

Every marketing effort starts with a good research process. Analyze current market trends to gain insights into what works well in your industry. 

Look at the names of successful sellers and identify common themes or strategies they use. This can inspire you and help you understand what resonates with customers in your niche. 

For example, if you’re selling organic skincare products, you might notice that many successful sellers incorporate terms like “natural,” “pure,” or “organic” into their names. This research can guide you in creating a seller name that positions you effectively within your market.


2. Identify Key Keywords

Gather some essential keywords related to your products or business niche. These could be terms that describe what you sell, your unique selling points, or your target audience. 

Write down as many as you can and choose some that fall right between originality and industry relevance. 

For instance, if you’re selling handmade jewelry, keywords could include “artisan,” “craft,” “accessories,” or “unique.”


3. Combine and Play with Words

Now it is time to have some fun. Experiment with combining the keywords you’ve identified to create fresh and catchy combinations. 

Try different word orders, synonyms, or word variations to find a name that resonates. For example, “ArtisanGems” or “CraftyBauble” for the handmade jewelry seller.

Keep your target audience in mind and choose a name that speaks to them. Think about the language they use and what would appeal to them. For instance, if your target audience is young and trendy, you might go for a name like “ChicTreasures” or “UrbanCrafts.”


4. Use Amazon Business Name Generator

You may already have an Amazon seller name list ready, or you may need some additional help to get the creative juices flowing. This is where business name generators come in handy.

The best way to use an Amazon seller name generator is to start with your initial ideas. These could be fresh names that you’ve thought up, or other business’ names that you think are great.

Plug those into a business name generator software and it will give you a list of additional ideas to consider. 

Check these against the factors above, sort them and come up with a shortlist that you can check against domain and Amazon name availability.

Here’s a list of tools you can try:








Name Robot

Domain Hole

Lean Domain Search






5. Check Availability and Legality

Make sure that your chosen name is available on Amazon and it doesn’t infringe on any trademarks. Also it is a good idea to check other platforms you might be using in to market your business, as it is important to achieve some consistency. 

Conduct thorough searches on Amazon Seller Central and trademark databases to avoid legal issues down the line. For example, “EcoEssentials” might be taken, so you might need to tweak it to “EcoEssentialShop” or “EssentialEcoStore.”


Tips to Get a Good Amazon Seller Name

These are the major aspects of an Amazon seller name that make it effective. Use these factors to help you brainstorm ideas and eliminate or modify what doesn’t fit.


Make it Memorable

You need shoppers to remember you without effort, whether or not they’ve purchased from you before. This is a vital aspect of marketing that has held true over the centuries.

Your name needs to be short, not more than three words. It also needs to be catchy, maybe something already familiar. But remember to make it unique so that it stands apart from other brands.


Priotize relevance

Your seller name should accurately represent your business and the products you offer. It’s essential to choose a name that gives potential customers a clear idea of what your brand is about.


Be professional

You want to appeal to your target market, but you also want to exude quality. Using a name that doesn’t elicit confidence will turn buyers away.

You need a name that connotes legitimacy so that it prompts a purchase. You do not want to look amateurish, careless, incompetent, or dishonorable.


Reflect Your Brand Personality

Your Amazon seller name should reflect the personality and values of your brand. Consider the tone you want to convey – whether it’s professional, playful, or quirky – and choose a name that aligns with that tone. 

Also, you can include a hint that reflects any core values your brand has and make it the main element in your seller name. For example, “NatureNest” might appeal to eco-conscious customers, while “GeekGear” could attract tech enthusiasts. 


Use Keywords

If you plan to sell one type of product, then it can make a lot of sense to incorporate a main keyword in your Amazon seller name.

For instance, selling exclusively in the household or apparel category can make it great for SEO to have these words in your name. Keywords like cleaner or hair for a more specific range of products is even better.

Related content: Adapting to the A9 Algorithm


Don’t overcomplicate it

Your seller name should be short, simple, easy to pronounce and easy to write as well. 

Originality is important, but if your Amazon seller name is impossible to pronounce or is full of special characters then it is less likely people will remember it.


Keep it as broad as possible, without losing the purpose

I know this sounds confusing, but let me clarify a bit. If you start selling, for example, home decor, you will be tempted to choose a name that focuses only on that. But, what happens if you want to sell other items down the road? 

While it’s crucial to focus on your current niche, consider whether your chosen name allows for future growth and diversification. Avoid overly specific names that may limit your brand’s potential down the line. 

For example, “HomeEssentials” is broad enough to encompass various household products beyond just decor.


Avoid Generic Names


It’s good to have keywords for better searchability, and also important to be evergreen so that your business can change without making your Amazon seller name obsolete. 

You have to find a balance again between a name that’s too generic, and one that’s interesting yet not limiting. Plus, you want to stand out and not be just one of a million online shops.


Don’t Be a Copycat

You may be thinking that you can get a lot of hype early on without much effort by choosing an Amazon seller name that’s similar to an already well-established brand with an awesome reputation.

Big brands take copyright very seriously – they’ve invested a lot into building up their brands, and they aren’t going to let anyone get away with stealing some of their mojo. As soon as you start making waves, they’ll notice and get you shut down.

Related content: Branded keywords


Can you change your Amazon seller name?

What happens if, despite all this planning, a few months go by and you decide you want to change your seller name

  • Log in to your Amazon seller account.
  • Navigate to “Settings” and click on “Account Info.”
  • Select “Seller Profile” or “Seller Information.”
  • Once you’re on the seller account information page, click “Edit” to begin updating your seller name.


However, keep in mind that this is not the best idea to make it harder for customers to remember you.


Final Thoughts

Now you have all the resources you need to come up with the best amazon seller name for your business. Remember to work on it, but without overthinking it.  While a catchy or clever name can certainly catch attention, what truly matters is the quality of your products and services.

Your brand’s reputation and customer satisfaction will ultimately define your success on the platform. So, keep it simple, relevant and memorable.

If you are looking to take your Amazon business to the next level, consider exploring strategies beyond just your seller name. Our blogs and team of experts will help you create a successful Amazon store from scratch.

Click here to learn more about our eCommerce solutions.



Antonella FleitasAntonella Fleitas is a freelance content writer from Argentina. Antonella worked with many projects to create fact-based, evergreen content about science, language learning, and culture. Her main goal is to build a strong content foundation for her clients, based on meaningful stories that people can learn from.

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