How to Add a Product Video to Amazon Seller Central Listings

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           If you’re an FBA seller who wants to add a product video to your listing, this is great news. The ability to add videos showing products in use would be a definite advantage. Online shoppers eat up videos, and listings that have them are sure to have a better chance […]

Amazon Storefronts | How to Use Them

Amazon Storefronts on Seller Central

Currently, there are more than 1.9 million businesses in the U.S., using Amazon services to make their brand reachable to shoppers all over the world—and they couldn’t have chosen a better place: Amazon Storefronts on Seller Central. Storefronts is a feature designed to make the interaction between customers and small & medium-sized businesses a lot […]

Amazon SEO for Mobile Shoppers

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SEO and Mobile Shopping As mentioned in an earlier post, mobile shopping is on the rise, predicted to double in four short years. The problem is that the mobile experience is horribly lacking, particularly in the area of optimization. Buyers spend 20% more time shopping via mobile devices, but end up spending only a sixth […]